1. who have considerable experience hiking in tropical heat
2. want the best workout Barbados can offer while climbing steep hills
3. have an interest in Geology and rock strata
you can click on the small images below to see larger versions of the photos
The hike starts at Barclays Park on the East Coast Road and passing through Benab we climb Chalky Mount
The hike then passes through the small village of "The Potteries of Chalky Mount" perched on top of the mountain
we then descend into the valley below.... and after crossing Bruce Vale River... we reach Haggatts Agricultural Station
from there we climb the ridge passing through Mount All and White Hill
We descend through the bush to Boarded Hall and climb Spa Hill (Melvin Hill)
we then descend by way of Parks Road and climb over Bissex Hill.... and finally descending through the village of Cambridge we reach Barclays Park on the East Coast Road
Distance: 10 miles
Time: 4 to 5 hours of hiking + 1 hour transportation + plus hour for photos/ rest stops/ water breaks = 6 to 7 hours total time
Pricing: HERE
Contact Information:
Email to: hikebarbados@yahoo.com
Stephen Mendes Tel: (246) 230-4818 Doverdale, Nelson Road (246) 228-3331 Navy Garderns, Christ Church BARBADOS